Texture to Material generator
General information
This generator (.sbsar) allows you to create a PBR material from texture or photo input. You can use it simply in Substance Player or game engines like Unity, Unreal, Substance painter, also in programs like Maya or 3Ds Max with plugins installed. To test it download the latest version of Substance Player.
You can see a little tutorial on how to use this generator here: https://youtu.be/fiK5XAsDURs
Options of material
- Crop image
- 2 methods tile: border and patch
- Generating high map (simple and channel-based)
- Normal intensity/ format OpenGL or DirectX
- Shadow reduce with color extrusion
- Flash reduces
- Denoise (like a surface blur in PS)
- generating gloss/roughness from photo
- Generating AO
- Render preview output
.SBSAR Material
Generate outputs: BaseColor/Normal/metalic(gloss in alpha)/height/ambientOcclusion/roughness/glossiness
License info
Personal and commercial licenses
One license per one sit
Reselling or sharing this generator is permitted
*This generator created by me with my own approach to generating outputs from the image input
**Preview textures are not included
***You can get latest Substance Player version here:
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me bilousbohdani@gmail.com