Tire rubber generator
General information
This generator allows you to create a PBR Material of car Tire with a lot of parameters. You can use it simply in Substance Player or game engines like Unity, Unreal, Substance painter, also in programs like Maya or 3Ds Max with plugins installed.
Important: In order to map material properly, you have to put 1x4 proportions in the output size parameter (e.g. 512x2048, 1024x4096).
Options of material
- Prepared tread patterns (12 unique patterns) inside
- Input custom tread pattern with grayscale input
- Color selection (as a tint for rubber)
- Smart roughness parameters
- The option of dust and dirt
- Damage slider
- Selection 7 different fonts and option to import custom font text*
- Options to have "Tread only" or "Clean outputs"
- Add metal studs and chain (v1.1)
- .SBSAR Material
You can get the latest Substance Player version here:
- .SBS material for building custom font, image input, input custom tread, and building custom outputs.
You can download the latest version of Substannce designer (free 30-day trial) here:
By default generate outputs: BaseColor, Normal, Metalic, height, ambientOcclusion, roughness.
- High poly and low poly mesh of tire with UV for material
.FBX and.OBJ exported from 3Ds Max.
License info
Personal and commercial licenses
One license per one sit
Reselling or sharing this generator is not prohibited
*Preview images are not included
**Licenses for used fonts are in .txt "License reed before using",
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me bilousbohdani@gmail.com